How can banks close the AI talent gap?

Tuesday 16 July
15.00-16.00 BST | 10.00-11.00 EDT
Virtual Roundtable
Event Speakers
Katherine Savage
Katherine Savage
Partner, People Advisory Services; EMEIA Reward Sustainability Advisor, EY
Katherine is a leader in EY’s People Advisory Services practice. She has extensive experience in creating effective reward and HR strategies across leading Financial Services global organizations. A large proportion of her career has been spent within emerging markets and organizations in periods of unprecedented change and crisis management; focused on building out HR functions, establishing governance controls, achieving cost and total reward optimization and regulatory alignment.
Noémie Ellezam
Noémie Ellezam
Global Head of Artificial Intelligence, Société Générale
Noémie has fifteen years of experience Business transformation and Financial services (retail & consumer finance, wealth management, corporate & investment banking). She joined Société Générale in 2006 in General Inspection, and led international strategic reviews & business transformation projects across multiple businesses & geographies, before being promoted Head the Strategic & performance steering division for French retail from 2014 to 2018.
Alexandra Mousavizadeh
Alexandra Mousavizadeh
Co-CEO and Co-founder, Evident
Alexandra has spent 25 years ranking and quantifying complex societal and political forces, and for the last 6 years she has focused on AI. She started her career at Moody’s, then Morgan Stanley, and later became CEO of ARC Ratings and Director of the Prosperity Index. Most recently, Alexandra was Director of Tortoise Intelligence, publisher of The Global AI Index.
Moderator: Colin Gilbert
Moderator: Colin Gilbert
VP, Intelligence, Evident
Colin leads Evident's Intelligence Team. focused on developing new content offerings and expanding our customer-facing diagnostics. Colin has spent the last 15 years working in Research & Advisory services, specializing in using quantitative benchmarking to measure an organization's digital aptitude vs. performance. Previously, he served as a Managing Vice President at L2 Inc. (acquired by Gartner in 2017), where he worked on the Digital IQ Index® as it expanded to cover nearly 1,500 leading brands across 15x B2C industries.

In this roundtable, we explored: What AI talent is critical to executing a bank's AI strategy? What banks are doing to develop their existing talent capability? Where banks currently stand in the race to recruit and retain the best and brightest in a highly competitive marketplace? And what role can external partners play in building capability in the short- and long-term?

We dived into the latest data and trends from Evident’s AI Talent Report and focused on practical insights from leading subject matter experts and industry practitioners.

Watch the full Roundtable here:

Over the past six months, the overall pool of AI talent across the 50 banks in the Evident AI Index increased by 9%, double the rate of growth in overall headcount. And, in the last quarter alone, we've seen a 25% quarter-on-quarter increase in AI Development job listings.

But all banks are not growing equally. The recent growth in AI Development roles has primarily been driven by the US banks. And the most AI mature banks - the banks that already lead the way in the Evident AI Index ranking - appear to be accelerating their hiring efforts and pulling away from the pack.

Key slides:






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