Evident AI Leadership Report

Mapping AI leadership in banking

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The Evident AI Leadership Report provides the most in-depth and up-to-date analysis of AI leadership in the banking sector. The report covers:

Executive Positioning
Operating Model

Key Findings

Explore the key findings below or download the full report.


Since January, the Top-5 scoring banks within the Leadership pillar of the Evident AI Index have consistently outperformed their wider peer set in stock price performance.

On average, these 5 banks (JP Morgan Chase, TD Bank, BNP Paribas, Intesa Sanpaolo, and UBS) drove +40.69% gains in stock price over the past year, versus +23.97% across the other 18 banks in our sample (1.7x).



No single bank has emerged as the outright leader when it comes to building an AI narrative that is both consistent and substantive across earned and owned media channels.

At present, only five banks (Citigroup, DBS Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley) are demonstrating strength across more than one narrative channel, spanning: media coverage, press releases, LinkedIn, and investor materials.



AI and banking media coverage is dominated by 10 banks. 80 percent of all articles published by top media outlets focus on only 20 percent of the banks we cover.

Goldman Sachs dominates when it comes to “earned media.” 20 percent of all articles related to AI reference Goldman Sachs, driven by the bank’s strength in equity research and insights.



Banks released nearly 400 AI-specific press releases over the past two years.

Three banks (CommBank, DBS Bank, CaixaBank) are responsible for over a third of this activity—demonstrating greater reliance on owned media channels to get their message out, build awareness around AI initiatives, and drive organic search traffic to their websites.



Leveraging their Company Pages, 44 banks now post about AI on LinkedIn.

While this content makes up a small share of the overall content mix on the platform, the topic hit an inflection point last April. Over the last six months, banks more than doubled (+138 percent) their output of AI-specific posts on the professional networking platform.



Banks are not quantifying the total number of AI use cases in production or clearly communicating the business value generated from these initiatives.

While 27 of the 50 banks we cover now embed AI as a strategic business objective, only four banks (BNP Paribas, DBS Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and Société Générale) publicly disclose the total number of AI use cases deployed across their organisation and the expected outcomes from these projects via investor relations materials.



Less than half of bank CEOs reference AI in external media channels.

Only 20 bank CEOs engage on the topic, and nearly half of those restrict their commentary to general tech trends versus the specific implications to their direct business. All told, only 12 of 50 bank CEOs (24 percent) are discussing how their institution is addressing AI head-on, thereby blunting the impact of the bank’s overarching AI Narrative.



Attempts by bank CEOs to amplify the AI Narrative on LinkedIn are mixed, reflecting a missed opportunity to leverage their outsized influence on the professional networking platform.

While 80 percent of bank CEOs are present on the platform and 68 percent actively post, less than 20 percent post about AI. This pattern fails to capitalise on the significantly higher engagement rates (+3.5x) secured by bank CEOs versus bank Company Pages when they post new content to LinkedIn.



Beyond the usual suspects (CEOs, CTOs, and CIOs), other viable spokespeople are beginning to emerge to help build and reinforce the AI Narrative—including CDAOs, CAIOs, and leaders of AI Centres of Excellence.

To help combat the continuing disconnect between AI Narrative and Executive Positioning, three banks (JPMorgan Chase, CaixaBank, and NAB) have already taken the tentative first steps of appointing a Chief Data & Analytics Officer (CDAO) to the Executive Committee. This represents an important milestone in moving from experimentation to centralisation in continuing AI transformation efforts.


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